Quarantined Creatives
First off, I truly hope everyone reading this is quarantined.
I’m sorry if that hurts anyone’s feelings, especially extroverts. I know this time will be especially hard for you all. But I wanted to write something for all the creative people who have to be quarantined.
I think most, if not all, creative people pull lots of — real world shit from their lives or others, to create their beautiful work. Like me right now, writing this blog. Or anything I’ve written before and after this moment. And I mean real life experiences too. Things people live through day to day. Whether it’s as simple as riding their bike to work, or as complex as dealing with an incredibly insane boss trying to communicate with you through fucking Zoom.
And now, as a world, all us Creatives are gonna have a really hard fuckin’ time. Sure, a lot of the literal making of the art is done at home. Probably on a couch or at a desk. But there is this whole aspect of the creating process that is taken away now. We can no longer observe so closely other people’s weird lives. Their day to day, boring as shit or crazy as fuck lives. Now we have to do the scariest thing — reflect on our own lives. I mean, Jesus Christ. Months on end coming up of self reflection. No one can tell me that isn’t scary.
But it’s gonna be okay. Because thanks to social medias and online communctions, we have no excuse not to share our work with each other. So look out for your other Creatives and help. That’s how Creatives need to Quarantine.